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Great Media Coverage, Thousands Show Up to See "Sound Space"

“Sound Space turned out great and I’m so lucky to have had this experience. So many people who walked out of the exhibit said some of the kindest and most inspiring things anybody has ever said to me. I was already motivated to create works that connect me to people, connects people to whatever they want and to provide a platform for reflection. But now I’m even more motivated after this experience. I feel like I can accomplish anything!,” said artist Troy Ramos.

Thank you to everyone who supported Troy and came out, thanks to ArtPrize and to friends and family for their continued support! 

This work, the lights, sounds, everything, were created specifically for the space and were designed to be a reflective space for visitors to experience themselves, or whatever they wish. Sound Space will be hosted again at another venue in the near future.

And here’s a link to some media interviews Troy did about the work: